Glaze automatic preparation system and density control on two tanks

Genius is the new automatic system for glaze preparation for glazing stations.

Its function consists in:

  • Loading the desired quantity following the setting recipe and automatically add all additives, including grit with precision to gram
  • Bringing the glaze at density adding water.
  • Feeding the tanks placed under the application with the finished product, hereby monitoring and keeping always-constant density, adding water or glaze depending on the necessity.

Special instruments used together with electronic research guarantee the continuous working of the machine without any hitch and obstruction and without the need to make any washing. Washing is necessary only before a product change that the machine executes automatically.

From the touch screen it is possible to make and save infinite recipes, connecting the machine on the network, it is possible make all operations from remote and collect data on production and on effective consumption of all glaze and additive with precision to gram

Genius allows preparing the right quantity of product that is used in the long time when additives will make the most performances.

It allows also applying the same identical product guaranteeing constancy on the tonality of the tile impossible upon now

Genius is the only machine in commerce which guarantees the complete automatization of the product preparation process and the reliability in the time, avoiding stop-machine due to obstruct or dirty tools


  • Complete automatization of the glaze preparation process and maintaining the density setting.
  • Strong reduction of product waste
  • Increased productivity of glazing lines, thanks to elimination of delays due to preparation of glaze
  • Absolute and constant precision of the applied products
  • Absolute reliability of the machine in the time